Design Build
Design Build
Design-Build is a value-based procurement method where the client, the architect, the engineers, and the general contractor work as a team to balance good design with outstanding value. Working as partners from the beginning of the project, each provides their unique experience, knowledge, and creativity to provide the best value, utilizing the most efficient and cost-effective construction processes. Communication is key and is the basis of a collaborative effort that ensures fast project delivery and a satisfied customer.
This chart demonstrates how the Design-Build method streamlines the building process and can “fast track” your project. While we’re applying for grading permits and working drawings are finalized, foundations can be poured and decisions can be made about the building’s interior.

The Benefits to Be Gained by Utilizing the Design-Build Process with Your Butler Builder® Include
- Single-source responsibility
- Project costs established sooner
- Condensed construction schedules
- More innovative solutions
- Greater control
- Team approach
- More experience
- Unequaled quality
- Fewer changes
- Improved risk management